The size of the global logistics market had touched $5.4trillion in 2023 and is predicted to reach $7.9trillion by 2032. These extreme figures are indicative of the competitive tsunami that is taking 3PL companies by storm, given that they hold the lion’s share of the sector in comparison with their 2PL and 4PL counterparts.
So, it’s not just about managing supply chain processes on behalf of businesses anymore. The value expectations exceed far more than helping client companies focus on their core competencies. In simple words, the responsibility of 3PL companies at the moment, is all about generating competitive outcomes in favor of the latter. Say for example,
- it is not about easing operational complications; it’s about ‘eradicating’ them.
- It’s not about saving cost/resources but mapping profits.
- It’s not about simplifying supply chain processes; it’s about passing on the advantages of this simplification to end consumers in the form of free deliveries, reduced MRPs, 24-hour shipping, quick commerce, one-click returns, etc. each of which is a key CLV enhancer.
With every 3PL logistics company fueled with the same aim, there has to be something different in their stack to manifest the lead no competitors can match.
The answer lies in Customized Logistics Software.
Custom Logistics Software – What You Get
‘More than the features you provide; it is the value that you add with your services that truly counts…’
Why customize when standard solutions are ready to use right off the shelf?
Standard software is seldom simple but almost always ordinary. It gives you a free-size buffet of features, some of which may apply to your mission and vision while the rest would only weigh down upon your operational system, causing it to crash when you’re least expecting.
While standard/general logistics software solutions do come with customer support, it could be days before you reach beyond chat-bots, and a few more days before the problems are sorted.
Next, once you buy/subscribe to the software, be rest assured that hundreds of other 3PL companies are supported by the same solution and are thus, competing with you on the same ground. So, bye-bye USP!
If this isn’t bad enough, the pain of paying for features that you are not likely to use anytime in the foreseeable future, generally makes general software a bitter pill to swallow.
Custom software for logistics is something like an instant healing touch to these pain points.
Let’s take a quick look at the key reasons why custom logistics software and 3PL companies are a trending match -
✓ Pick, Choose, Create; The Ala-carte Privilege –
Custom logistics software is an achievable privilege. Besides, macroscopic essentials like warehouse management, last mile, transportation management, and everyday operations, customization can help you zero in on specific issues like high-value inventory monitoring, labor/resource management, strategic communication set-up, payment integrations, multi-lingual support for cross-border functioning, etc.
What’s better? If you feel that a certain feature should be designed from scratch to serve your brand’s growth goals, the tech providers can create the same for you.
✓ Smooth Blending Like Coffee and Cream –
Unlike general software that usually requires infinite tweaks in the current operating systems to integrate, and are often seen locking horns with other existing software; custom solutions blend in like a walk in the clouds. They integrate quickly and seamlessly with existing operational systems and any other 3P software making them faster and more productive than their general counterparts.
✓ Need More Features? Get More Features! Or, Trim When You Need –
As per market statistics, businesses with scalable software solutions can grow 35% faster than their counterparts using rigid non-scalable solutions.
You know you’re living your life King-size when your software scalability is not dependent on vendor offerings. Custom logistics software, like any other custom software, allows you to add or remove features on the go. It can thus, easily grow as you extend your reach from SMEs to bigger businesses with more complex logistics requirements.
✓ Someone Out There To Steal Your Data? Not With Custom Security –
Did you know, that between August to October 2003, 2,08,993 phishing campaigns were identified that impersonated the Logistics industry?
General software comes with standard security features that hackers are very well versed with already. Custom logistics software is usually created with unique security codes that secure your system from low, mild & moderate to severe, and critical threats successfully.
✓ You’re The Boss; 100% Ownership –
Custom logistics software feels as good as owning your own home, where you are in complete ownership and free to alter the interior, exterior, paints, patios, landscape, etc. as you please, to suit your individual requirements and preferences.
This is in strict comparison with its general counterparts which gives out more of a rental aura; you are free to use the premises but with strictly restricted terms and conditions. There isn’t much you can change or upgrade unless the owner allows, and the outcomes would seldom justify the costs.
✓ 24/7 Support, Always Available –
This is a cherished privilege that custom logistics software owners enjoy. And yes, they know you by your name, needs, and eccentricities! From the complete history of your past interactions to your coffee time essentials, they know your preferences like the back of their hands. Simply put, you will love how intricately they care and how quickly they act.
✓ Regular Updates and Easy Maintenance –
One may glorify auto updates in general software in this respect, but consider this; auto updates may throw your operations off balance if your system is not ready to upgrade to it yet. It may call for a million other adjustments that could slow down your supply-chain processes for weeks.
Custom software, on the other hand, updates when you need to update. The process is smooth, quick, and error-free and is often assisted by the developers one-on-one. So, improved productivity and efficiency are direct outcomes of these upgrades.
Custom Software FAQs
Did you know, that 72% of companies (and counting) reported improved operational efficiency on using custom logistics software over their off-the-shelf counterparts?
Be it a productivity kick-start, boost in efficiency, resource optimization, error-free operations, personalized experience, brand-boosting, or exemplary cost-saving, custom logistics software offers an intricately focused solution to unique business requirements to manifest expected outcomes without having to try too hard.
Still in doubt? These FAQs can give you some direction!
! Are custom logistics software too expensive?
Unlike common beliefs, developing custom logistics software can be more affordable than one may think. Boutique developers offer an array of chiseled plans that cater to the urgencies of SMEs without breaking their banks. However, there is no upper limit to how good it gets, whether with features or prices. Be assured though, you will always have options.
! Does custom software take months to develop?
Depends upon the type of software you wish to design. Broadly, there are 4 steps to the process – Idea validation, development/innovation, software testing, and project governance. Depending upon the intricacy of your software requirement, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months or more to have your software up and running.
Visibility, efficiency, collaboration, scalability, and profit possibilities; custom software can give you a significant competitive mileage in everything you need to retain your position among top players. So, don’t settle for off-the-shelf; invest in custom logistics software and start your journey to the top, now!
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