On an average, users install about 40 apps on their devices and open at least, 9 to 10 apps per day.

Point to note; only 43% of users continue using these apps month after month while the rest abandon the downloads or, find an alternative or delete the app altogether following issues like usage / navigation complications, inflexibility, threats to data security etc. that pave their way to irrelevance.

Therefore, like it or not; among the 8.93 million smartphone apps spread across the digital jungle, it is only the fittest that survive.

On an average of 888 apps are launched in Google Play every day and 1289 apps released daily on IOS. So, unless you are powered with transformational features, it’s fairly possible that your app may blend into the background sooner than you think. The good news is; you don’t need a miracle to transform your app from a humble contender into a reigning champion.All it takes is teaming up with the right mobile app developers that can unleash a suite of power-packed features to give your app the acceleration it needs to race past competitors. 

Fact Alert! Did you know mobile apps are expected to reap revenues worth $935billion by the end of 2024!

Ready to learn what these simple yet game-changing features are? Let’s start!
Features That Elevate Your App From Good To Great To Unstoppable!

 Neat, Minimal, Responsive Layouts –

Did you know, every $1 spent in better UX can convert to $100 worth of revenue! 

Simple, neat, minimal designs, simple menus, intuitive navigational pathways, clean aesthetics and consistent interface across all mobile devices and platforms are the hallmarks of a great app. Why? Because it leads to seamless uninterrupted UX. Better UX leads to higher engagement and increased user retention, making it one of the most creatively potent strategic moves to help apps thrive in raging competition.

 Intuitive Navigation –

Did you know, 61% mobile app users say that their favorite apps are easily navigable!

So, off with sketchy navigation, which is similar to making your customers jaywalk through high traffic cross-roads when there is a clean, green, pristine sidewalk right at the corner! The simpler you make it for customers to find what they want, the smoother their journey through the sales funnel will be.
Strategic prioritization of content, user centric design, 3-D touch elements and clear labels are some of the inputs that support intuitive navigation.

 Push Notifications –

Did you know; push notifications can increase 90-day app retention by 190%.

If your app has to win competitive supremacy, push-notification feature has to be prioritized. Being an active tool in re-engaging users with timely and personalized updates and information, it is a critical element in increasing long-term engagement and reducing churn rates. Promising developers can construct ideal push notification features with riveting content for categorically segmented audience, optimal timing and thorough analysis.

 Social Integration and Single Sign-on (SSO) –

Did you know; SSO can generate 20% more conversions in comparison with non-SSO counterparts.

There are 5.07 billion social media users in the world and counting, of which, an average person visits 7.2 social media platforms every month and spends 2hours 30minutes per day in scrolling (which constitutes 15% of their waking time). So, SSO feature can make it infinitely easy for your customers to engage with your brand through your app in different social media platforms, making it a critical customer retention element.

 Cross Platform Performance –

Why are 87% developers prioritizing cross platform app functionality? A whopping 30% saving in development costs, to start with! 
Cross platform performance is your key to maximizing your mobile presence. It allows your app to function equally well in all types of mobile devices and all types of operating systems without glitches or hang-ups. All thanks to the consistent UX this functionality delivers, companies have witnessed as much as 20% increase in customer retention rates.

 100% Data Security –

‘Your data is 100% secure with us’ can win the trust of 79% customers that have expressed serious concerns over personal data compromise. 
Year 2022 was the year of data breaches when, an average of 4.8 data breaches per day, had affected over 422 million customers. 44% of these breaches included customers’ names, passwords and email addresses. In USA alone, data breach accounts for $9.44billion worth of losses.

Code-obfuscation, data encryption, API security, tight backend security, input validation, user authentication security, user education and frequent debugging are a few unbeatable data protection features that make mobile apps competitively relevant to users that prioritize security.

 Lean Designs for Quick Loading –

Ideal load time of a mobile app is 2secs. Any more than 3 seconds would lead 53% users to abandon the app.
App-size is important because it aids 1 second-loading. The average size of performing apps in Androids is therefore, no more than 12MBs and 35MBs in IOS. Given that your newly launched app would be competing with an average of about 40 other apps already downloaded per device, per user, it has to be lean enough to fit in and function.
Using high performing native apps, image optimization, compatible servers, using content delivery networks (CDN) and discouraging excessive ads / pop-ups etc. are some of the easiest ways to reduce app load time instantly.

 24/7 Chat Support –

Integrating live chat support in mobile apps can drive customer satisfaction by 73%!

Ever wondered how Amazon retains 90% of its customers? It’s because of comprehensive and consistent customer support through all platforms of presence. All thanks to technological innovations, live chat integration can be very efficient yet affordable. While opting for chat support, prioritize solutions that are user friendly and offer personalized assistance. This alone, will keep you ahead in the competitive race.

 Comprehensive Feedback Feature –

Believe it or not, your conversion rate can rise by 770% if you go from 1star to 5star rating! 
93% customers have expressed that they are likely to leave a feedback if companies specifically asked for it. On featuring their reviews and ratings in the apps, 97% customers are likely to retain their loyalty for the brand. Effective feedback features topped with comprehensive analytics to measure and assess
ratings / reviews is thus, a non-negotiable feature in driving mobile app success.

 Personalize –

Wish to give your conversions a 202% boost? Get your app personalized!
89% marketers believe that app personalization can boost revenue significantly. Using name of customers in push notifications, suggesting content based on user demographics, localization, reference to purchase history and individual user interests are key elements that make personalization a sure-shot profit maker.

The Honorable Mentions –
There’s not limit to how great your app can get with features that keep improving by the day!
Therefore, besides the top features that can elevate your app from good to unstoppable, here are a few more honorable mentions that can help perpetuate the dominance of your mobile app in its domain.

 Multilingual usage – 72% customers prefer product information in their mother-tongue.
 Comprehensive filters – Increases click-through rates by 35% by preventing information overload.
 Geo-marketing, Localization – App downloads can increase by 128%.
 Payment gateway integration – Over 40% mobile users prefer multiple payment modes.
 Off-line accessibility – absence of which, can account for over 51% users abandoning mobile apps.
 Gamification – 89% users prefer gamified apps.


Can you have them all? Why not?

Can you pick and choose among these features and develop as you grow? Of-course!
While designing your mobile app, communicate your goals clearly with your chosen developer. They will create feature-rich yet flexible solutions that are sure to uphold your competitive invincibility!

